Voter Choice Arizona

Voter Choice Arizona

Special Events


 (480) 757-6855


Improve our elections so that voters have more choice and more voice, for better governance and a better Arizona

We are a non-partisan group operated 100% by volunteers donating their own time and financial support for essential tools. Are you ready to help us get Ranked Choice Voting in Arizona? Sign up to get more information about how to volunteer!

Our Mission Statement

Improve our elections so that voters have more choice and more voice, for better governance and a better Arizona.”


  • “improve our elections” means implementing RCV and maybe other reforms
  • “more choice” refers specifically to Ranked Choice
  • “more voice” means these reforms increase the power of voters in relation to big money, lobbying, etc. and also possibly the party duopoly status quo (gerrymandering, etc.)
  • “better governance” means with these reforms, elected officials will be more likely to do what is good for voters , representative democracy
  • “better Arizona” implies that better state & local government will improve things for people living here