Coconino County Health and Human Services

Coconino County Health and Human Services




 2625 N King St, Arizona, Flagstaff, AZ 86004

Coconino County Health and Human Services
Basic Business Empowerment (BBE) program

Coconino County Health and Human Services offers Basic Business
Empowerment (BBE), a 9-week business plan development training via Zoom
(and/or in-person when possible). Classes one evening per week are facilitated
by Small Business Development Center staff. Participants master skills to transform
ideas into reality for business start-up, strategy pivots, and/or expansion.

Topics include creating a business plan; learning how to clearly define your
product or service; analyzing the market and competitors; developing your value
proposition and pricing; forecasting costs, income and cash flow; and assessing
profit/loss statements. By the end of the course, participants have a completed
business plan ready to take to a funder for capital.